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Upgrading an Existing Installation

If using the Lime CRM desktop client: The VBA module, Lime Bootstrap apps and the Actionpads must always be manually upgraded.

Upgrading to 8.x

  1. In Lime Admin, go to Settings -> Add Company Data -> Setup. Fill in the information and click the Check installation button and then Install. This will install the needed user and new field.
    1. If you cannot use the add-on installer for some reason, you need to manually create the new user and new field in LISA:
      1. Create an inactive integration user called acd@lime with at least Read, Write and Update permissions for the configured company limetype.
      2. On the configured company limetype: Add a text field acd_errormessage (with a length of 512 and invisible and readonly for the desktop client).
  2. In Lime Admin, go to Settings -> Add Company Data. Select the newly created field Error message data provider in the drop down for "Saving error property".

If Proff is used as data provider:

Also do these steps:

  1. Add application config to enable automatic updates.
  2. Configure in Lime Admin whether the manual update button should be shown.
  3. In Lime Admin switch on the code editor and check for last_checked_for_updates. Proff API only serves changes for the last 30 days. If the shown date is older than that, you'll miss out on changes if you don't manual update these companies. Therefore, go to the company table-view and filter on acd_lastupdated older than 30 days and manually update every company.
  4. If running Lime CRM on-premise: restart the Task Handler and Task Scheduler service.

Upgrading to 7.x

If Bisnode is used as data provider:

The provider Bisnode has been renamed to Dun & Bradstreet Business Contacts. Follow these steps to upgrade:

  1. Rename bisnode to dnbbc in the application configuration.
  2. If using the Lime CRM desktop client: The LBS apps needs to be replaced with the new ones.

Upgrading to 6.x

If Creditsafe is used as data provider:

  1. The configuration in Lime Admin needs to be updated accordingly:
    1. countriesFallback key under creditsafe node should be removed.
    2. countries key under creditsafe node is now required. You should add the countries that ACD should search in as default. The countries that is set must be active in the agreement with Creditsafe.
  2. If using the Lime CRM desktop client: The old LBS apps do not work at all with this new major version, they must be replaced.

Upgrading to 5.x

  1. Provider authentication credentials must be moved from runtime configuration to application configuration. See Configuration for how to add the credentials to application configuration.
  2. If using the Lime CRM desktop client: The old LBS apps do not work at all with this new major version, they must be replaced.

Upgrading to 4.x

If using the Lime CRM desktop client: The old LBS apps do not work at all with this new major version, they must be replaced.

Upgrading to 3.x

The major difference from 2.x is support for the new object card in the Lime CRM web client. A migration script will automatically try to move the configuration for ACD's web component. See Configuration for how to manually add ACD's web component if it does not show up after an upgrade.